Γεια χαραααα νταν!! Πως παει?Τις τελευταιες μερες συμβαινει αυτο που επιστημονικως θα λεγαμε..ΒΑΡΙΕΜΑΙ..Τα παντα..Απο τη μια εχω ΤΟΣΑ πολλα να διαβασω για τις εξετασεις,απο την αλλη θελω να κατσω να κανω ποστς η να χαζεψω αλλα μπλογκς κλπ και οταν τελικα ανοιγω το πισι καταληγω να καθομαι μπροστα στο facebook η να μου τρεχουν τα σαλια σα κανα βαρεμενο μπροστα στο 9GAG η το twitter και μετα να μη προλαβαινω..Οπως και να εχει,εχω στα υποψιν ενα τελειοοο ποστ..αν βγει τουλαχιστον οπως το ελπιζω,και θα το κανω συντομα αν βρω αρκετο χρονο για να βγαλω φωτογραφιες,να κανω photoshop,uploading και ολα αυτα τα χαζα,αλλα ελπιζω οτι θα σας αρεσει! Επισης σκεφτομαι πολυ να κανω το πρωτο μου giveaway για να σας ευχαριστησω που διαβαζετε,αφηνετε ομορφα κομεντ και με κανετε τοσο χαρουμενη!!! Αλλα τελοσπαντων,αυτο θα το σκεφτω,θα το οργανωσω και θα σας πω..(ειναι ΜΥΣΤΙΚΟ χαχαχα).Οσο για την ουσια αυτου του ποστ,απολυτως κανενα.Απλα να σας πω οτι ειμαι ζωντανη,και οτι θα γραψω κατι καινουργιο συντομα!!!ΕΧω να σας πω για θεατρα,για σινεμα (ελπιζω δηλαδη μετα απο αυριο να εχω να σας πω! θελω πόλυ να δω μια συγκεκριμενη ταινια! ) και εχω και το ποστ που σας λεω παραπανω,αλλα αυτο δε θα το αποκαλυψω.χοχο.
Εσεις σε τι φαση ειστε τωρα??? Μονο εγω σαπιζω ανελέιτα?
Φιλακιαααα, <3
Hi everybody! Whats up? The last days are so much of what you can say a LAZY day. I have SO much studing these days for my exams,and on the other hand i want a lot to spend some time on making a post or reading other blogs and i eventually end up spending my hours on facebook doing nothing or watching silly things on 9Gag and that kind of crap...Anyway,i planning to make a GREAT post soon,if i find time to shoot some photos,photoshop,upload and all that stuff but i believe that you will like it! And I'm also considering to make my very first giveaway to thank you all so much for following me and making me so happy! But i''l think about that and plan it and I'll let you know,it's still a secret (no matter i already told you ,hoho). The point of this post is absolutely nothing! Just i wanted to say that i'm here! Difficult days,they'll pass soon,I promise!!
In what phase are you now? Im the only one with this I'm-a-coach-potato- felling?? hhhahah..
There will be a new post soon..I have about theatre plays to tell you and hopefully after tomorrow,about a movie,(i really want to go and watch one specific film!) ,and about..this cute post i already told you but i wont reveal it.
Kisses guys!! :) xxxxx
Εσεις σε τι φαση ειστε τωρα??? Μονο εγω σαπιζω ανελέιτα?
Φιλακιαααα, <3
Hi everybody! Whats up? The last days are so much of what you can say a LAZY day. I have SO much studing these days for my exams,and on the other hand i want a lot to spend some time on making a post or reading other blogs and i eventually end up spending my hours on facebook doing nothing or watching silly things on 9Gag and that kind of crap...Anyway,i planning to make a GREAT post soon,if i find time to shoot some photos,photoshop,upload and all that stuff but i believe that you will like it! And I'm also considering to make my very first giveaway to thank you all so much for following me and making me so happy! But i''l think about that and plan it and I'll let you know,it's still a secret (no matter i already told you ,hoho). The point of this post is absolutely nothing! Just i wanted to say that i'm here! Difficult days,they'll pass soon,I promise!!
In what phase are you now? Im the only one with this I'm-a-coach-potato- felling?? hhhahah..
There will be a new post soon..I have about theatre plays to tell you and hopefully after tomorrow,about a movie,(i really want to go and watch one specific film!) ,and about..this cute post i already told you but i wont reveal it.
Kisses guys!! :) xxxxx